Vaccination update campaign

Driving vaccine uptake among young adults in Cheshire & Merseyside

  • Public Relations


When the Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Collaborative (CHAMPS) sought to encourage vaccine uptake among 20 30-year-olds our team rose to the challenge.  


We needed to engage the younger demographic. Convey the importance of taking the Covid-19 vaccine and dispel the notion young people were immune to the consequences of the virus. We recognised the need for a powerful narrative that resonated with the target audience and highlighted the real-life experiences of those affected by COVID. 

Leveraging the power of storytelling, we sourced a compelling case study of a young woman battling long COVID. 


We shared her story using a strategic multi-platform approach, offering peer-to-peer advice and debunking misconceptions about the virus’s impact on young people. It served as a stark reminder of the devastating impacts the virus could have on all ages.  




Our targeted PR campaign achieved remarkable results, leaving a lasting impact on vaccine uptake. The story of the young woman garnered significant attention, reaching over 7 million people. National TV slots on Good Morning Britain and BBC Breakfast highlighted the urgency of the issue, while the top story on BBC North West News and features on BBC Radio Merseyside, Greatest Hits Radio, and Radio City further amplified the message. 

The campaign’s impact extended to print media, with national coverage featured in the Daily Mirror, alongside key regional titles. By harnessing the power of storytelling and leveraging strategic media placements, we successfully engaged the younger demographic, shattering misconceptions and inspiring action. 

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